Treasure Coast Archaeological Society
Sebastian, Florida  Indian River County

 TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes

August 2007



Minutes of

Treasure Coast Archeological Society Meeting

August 01, 2007


The August meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Mitch King, Vice President of TCAS.


The minutes were read and accepted.


Mary McGee, the Treasurer said that we have $3,289.27 in the bank.  It was explained that this money will be used to sponsor the Annual Club Hunt in March.


There were 19 members and 8 visitors present.


New members are:


                Dave & Pat Kornegay



                Ralph & Tamy Small          Ralph has paid for a hat and T-shirt

                                                             but has NOT received either one.


                Dale and daughter, Kira Thesenvitz



It was decided to have a Multi-Park Club Hunt in Melbourne on November 3, 2007 .


Mitch King told how the drawings for badges, hats and T-shirts works A silver dime is given to the winner of each drawing.


He also told how the 50/50 drawing works.


Mitch asked who attended the Treasure Expo that was held on July 28 and 29 at the Holiday Inn in Cocoa Beach .


There will be a Treasure Party on August 11 and 12 at the north side of Sebastian Inlet in the State Park.  There will be a $5.00 fee which will include a meal.  For more info, please contact :,91812.0.html


Richard Hart, Sr. showed the email he received thanking him for returning a class ring that a young girl lost during spring break.


50/50 Winner:     $40.00 pot              Danny Hart           $20.00


Badge:                   Richard Hart, Jr.


T-Shirt:                 Mary McGee


Hat:                        Joan Hart


June winners:


Rings:                                    Skip Watson*, Richard Hart, Sr., Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe, Ralph Small


Jewelry:                                Joan Hart* tied w/Ralph Small*, Richard Hart, Skip Watson, Danny Hart


Coin Single:                         Mark Holshoe*, Richard Hart, Sr., Joan Hart, Danny Hart


Coin Group:                          Joan Hart*, Richard Hart, Sr., Mark Holshoe, Skip Watson, Ralph Small, Marty

                                                Hufnagel, Danny Hart


Miscellaneous:                    Richard Hart, Sr., Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe, Skip Watson, Danny Hart, Marty



Find of the Month:               Skip Watson


* denotes the winner of each category.


Since there was no July meeting, we had two finds displays this month.


July winners:


Rings:                                    Richard Hart, Sr.*, Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe, Danny Hart


Jewelry:                                Ralph Small*, Richard Hart, Sr., Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe, Danny Hart


Coin Single:                         Richard Hart, Sr*., Joan Hart, Richard Hart, Jr., Mark Holshoe, Ralph Small


Coin Group:                          Richard Hart, Sr.*, Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe,  Richard Hart, Jr., Danny Hart


Artifacts:                              Mark Holshoe*


Miscellaneous:                    Richard Hart, Sr.*, Joan Hart, Mark Holshoe, Ralph Small, Danny Hart,

Richard Hart, Jr.


Find of the Month:               Richard Hart, Sr.


* denotes the winner of each category.




Point Standings thru August:   


Larry Blair                                  3          Will Rose                                 1                           


Duane Crozier                          1          Frank Rothery                       13                           


Danny Hart                               8


Joan Hart                                 26          Terry Shannon                      84


Richard Hart, Sr.                   122          Ralph Small                           14


Richard Hart, Jr.                       4           Jim Stewart                            12


Mark Holshoe                         20          Ken Thomford                        3


Marty Hufnagel                    48           G. Tremble                              1                           


Mike Martin                             1


Neil Normando    10                           Skip Watson                         48                           




The meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Donna Rothery




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