TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes
December 2010
Minutes of
next meeting is on
December meeting was called to order at
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard Hart, II.
The minutes can be read on the club web site which is They are also emailed to members with email addresses on file on the last Wednesday of the month.
Attendance: Members: 61 Guests: 5
Skip Watson received an award for his Find of the Month in November. His award was a small mail box clock.
It was election time. There were no candidates or volunteers for any of the officer positions except for the secretary’s job. Dale Thesenvitz volunteered to take the job. It was mutually agreed that he could have the job.
Richard Hart showed a letter that Joan Hart had received from Deryl Loar, Sheriff of Indian River County thanking her for the assistance she and other members of TCAS provided to the Sheriff’s Department Crime Scene Unit.
Hart reminded everybody of the TCAS Christmas dinner/party which will be held at
Marsh Landings in Fellsmere on Saturday, December 4 at
There was a show of hands showing 29 people plan to attend the party.
Skip Watson had the winning ticket for the Molasses Raffle.
Mark Holshoe was asked to explain the “finds” table again.
50/50 winner: Doug Wilsnack $55.00 Badge: Ryan Rathbun
T-Shirt: Wayne Ordille Hat: Jim Stewart
Find of the Month: Ray Ayres ring
Marty Hufnagel will bring doughnuts to the January meeting. Kira Thesenvitz will make the coffee and Dale Thesenvitz will bring the cooler with drinks.
meeting adjourned at
Donna Rothery, Secretary