TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes
November 2006
The next meeting is this coming Wednesday, December 6, 2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of
Treasure Coast Archeological Society Meeting
November 1, 2006
meeting was called to order by club president, Richard Hart, Sr. at 7:30 p.m.
There were
23 members present
Hart, Jr. lead everyone in the Pledge of allegiance. The minutes were read.
Mary McGee
told us about a man by the name of Len Marcy that told her about an interesting
mound on a vacant lot next to his home which is on Agnes Street in Sebastian. He
thought that someone from the Club might be interested in hunting the mound
which looks like it could be a grave sight. His phone number is: 772-589-0808.
Richard, Sr. said that we need to find out who the owner of that lot is before
we do any hunting on it.
other item of information was concerning the Club Christmas dinner party.
Sunday, December 10 at 4:00 p.m. at Marsh Landing Restaurant was decided as a
time for the get together. We will have a Chinese gift exchange. The suggested
cost of approximately $15.00 was made.
Mary also
reminded everybody that the dues are due for the year 2007. Cost is: $20.00 for
single membership and $25.00 for a family membership.
told those members present that the Club would buy their silver for seven times
face value. We need silver for the Annual Hunt in March.
We will
have officer elections at the January meeting. Richard said that we all need to
think about whom we want as Club President. He is definitely stepping down. He
cannot be President next year.
Danny Hart
said that he has set up a way we can communicate on: Then search
for TCAS.
Stewart told a story about a man he met that found 95 gold rings in the Salt
Lake in Utah. The man came to the Treasure Coast to hunt the beaches and just
found a few coins.
Winner: Mike Martin $15.00 Hat Mike Martin
T-Shirt Winner: Mike Martin. Badge: Donna Rothery
Finds of the Month:
Rings: None
Jewelry: Joan Hart*, Neil Normando
Coin single: Joan Hart*, Neil Normando
Coin Group: Joan Hart*, Marty Hufnagel, Skip Watson
Artifacts: Frank Rothery*
Miscellaneous: Joan Hart*, Marty Hufnagel, Neil Normando, Skip Watson
Fossils: None
Find of the Month: Frank Rothery
Minutes 11-01-2006 Page 2
Mary McGee
will make the coffee for the August meeting. Marty Hufnagel will bring
doughnuts, Mike and Lou Ann Martin will bring drinks.
Rothery, Secretary