Treasure Coast Archaeological Society
Sebastian, Florida  Indian River County

 TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes

October 2006


Reminder : The next meeting is Wednesday, November 1,2006 at 7:30 p.m.
Minutes of
Treasure Coast Archeological Society Meeting
October 4, 2006
The meeting was called to order by club President, Richard Hart, Sr. at 7:35 p.m.
There were 28 members and 1 guest present. 
Richard Hart, Jr. lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. No minute were read this month,
instead Joan Hart read a very nice thank you letter from the Boys and Girls Club.
Marty donated a book to the club and instead of giving it away Richard auctioned it off
to group for $10.00 (ten dollars). He then asked the proud buyers if they wanted to add
the proceeds to the 50/50 raffle.
And they agreed.
Richard then spoke of the nice club hunt in September at Wickham Park.
Will then informed everyone that he recently a call from Mitch letting him know how
his trip to England was going. He told Will that he was finding some hammered coins
and a 2000 year old broach.
We were also reminded by Will of the Christmas Party planning that we need to
begin if we will have one this year. Members agreed by show of hands that we should
have a party this year.
Mary reminded members that dues will start being collected next month for the
new year.
The meeting came to a close at approx. 8:40 p.m.
50/50 Winner:                Melissa Crozier won $40.00
Hat:                              Gary Worthen
T-Shirt:                          Mike Martin
Badge:                          Marion Kerwin
Finds of the Month
Rings:                            Skip Watson*
Jewelry:                         Neil Normando*, Marty Hufnagel, Skip Watson
Single Coin:                    Joan Hart*
Group Coins:                  Richard Giles, Marty Hufnagel*, Skip Watson
Artifacts:                        Will Rose*
Miscellaneous:                Richard Giles, Gerald Bertekap*, Marty Hufnagel
Find of the Month:            Skip Watson - rings
For the November meeting: The Martins will bring drinks. Marty Hufnagel will bring doughnuts, and Mary McGee
will make the coffee.
Thank You for Attending,
Joan Hart


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