TCAS Monthly Meeting Notes
September 2012
Minutes of the
Treasure Coast
Archeological Society Meeting
September 5, 2012
The next meeting is on Wednesday, October
3, 2012.
The meeting was called to
order at 7:43 P.M. by Richard Hart, Sr., President of TCAS.
The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Richard Hart, II.
The minutes can be read on the club website, They are also emailed to members
with email addresses on file on the last Wednesday of the month.
29 Members present and 2 guest present at start of meeting, 2 new
members by the end of the meeting.
TCAS received two thank you letters for our annual donations to local
charities. The thank you letters were read by Dale Thesenvitz, TCAS Secretary.
The first letter was from Candlelighters of Brevard, Inc. The second letter was
from SOS Cookies and was delivered in person along with a bucket of
"samples" that they send to our Troops overseas. See Attachments.
We have two hunts left for this year.
October 6th is the TCAS Multi-Park Hunt open to TCAS members only. Join
us this Saturday at Wickham Park around 9:00 AM'ish. Basically, several parks
are "seeded", instructions and time lines given and we are off for the
hunt. Stay at one park or hit them all, it's up to you! Some of the finds that
have won in the past were: Blue Tractor, Dog Tag, Dog Collar, Red Hat Pin. Good
food will follow the hunt and then the prizes awarded.
On November 3rd TCAS is hosting an Appreciation Hunt for the two clubs
that heavily support our Annual Benefit Hunt.
Much more information will be given on both these hunts at the meeting.
Quest speakers are always welcome. Please, if anyone has any ideas or suggestions for a speaker, tell a TCAS Officer.
Ring: Steve Blehl Group Coins: Skip Watson
Jewelry: Steve Blehl Artifacts: Steve Blehl
Single Coins: Larry King Fossils: n/a
Miscellaneous: Larry King
Find of the Month: Steve Blehl
50/50: $28/19 Russ Pacowski Badge: Mary McGee
T-Shirt: Ryan Rathbun Hat: Anne Pacowski
Extra Dime Winners: Larry King, Sheryl Quinn
Coffee will be brought by: Russ and Anne Pacowski
Doughnuts will be brought by: Marty Hufnagel
Cooler with drinks will be brought by the 50/50 winner: Russ Pacowski
The meeting adjourned at: 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dale T. Thesenvitz
TCAS Secretary